Illuminating the Unknown

CHF 742.00
Kuenstler: Claudia Gschwend
In today's digital age, where virtual interactions often dominate, fostering genuine connections with nature and other people is crucial. This image reminds us of the importance of being authentic and vulnerable in our interactions. By revealing our true selves and shedding societal masks, it encourages us to connect deeply with the natural world and build meaningful relationships based on honesty and real emotions. Through its visual narrative, the photograph aims to inspire a return to these core values, promoting a renewed sense of connection, empathy, and genuineness in an increasingly digital world.

Breite: 80 cm
Höhe: 120 cm

Aufgezogen auf Alu-Dibond, matt laminiert
Im Bildpreis ist das Porto bereits enthalten.
Das Bild wird vom Künstler geliefert.
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Kuenstler: Claudia Gschwend
In today's digital age, where virtual interactions often dominate, fostering genuine connections with nature and other people is crucial. This image reminds us of the importance of being authentic and vulnerable in our interactions. By revealing our true selves and shedding societal masks, it encourages us to connect deeply with the natural world and build meaningful relationships based on honesty and real emotions. Through its visual narrative, the photograph aims to inspire a return to these core values, promoting a renewed sense of connection, empathy, and genuineness in an increasingly digital world.

Breite: 80 cm
Höhe: 120 cm

Aufgezogen auf Alu-Dibond, matt laminiert
Im Bildpreis ist das Porto bereits enthalten.
Das Bild wird vom Künstler geliefert.
Kuenstler: Claudia Gschwend
In today's digital age, where virtual interactions often dominate, fostering genuine connections with nature and other people is crucial. This image reminds us of the importance of being authentic and vulnerable in our interactions. By revealing our true selves and shedding societal masks, it encourages us to connect deeply with the natural world and build meaningful relationships based on honesty and real emotions. Through its visual narrative, the photograph aims to inspire a return to these core values, promoting a renewed sense of connection, empathy, and genuineness in an increasingly digital world.

Breite: 80 cm
Höhe: 120 cm

Aufgezogen auf Alu-Dibond, matt laminiert
Im Bildpreis ist das Porto bereits enthalten.
Das Bild wird vom Künstler geliefert.